Our Story

Why Suurkivi ? (pronounced suhr-kee-vee)

Company founders Ann and Anne are fiercely proud of their Estonian heritage. They understood the need of many professional Estonian women seeking elegant, high-quality statement accessories that interpreted classic Estonian designs in a modern way.

They set out to offer fresh, unique, simple designs that could act as "Estonian cultural heritage symbols" for the women who wore them either in Estonia or abroad.

Introducing Suurkivi USA...

For professionals who want to express a sophisticated image along with their Estonian heritage or love of Estonian design, Suurkivi USA uniquely offers a line of elegant, quality, unique lifestyle accessories featuring modern interpretations of classic Estonian traditional designs. 

Suurkivi comes from the Estonian family name of one of the company founders. The Suurkivi family has lived in Järvamaa, Estonia, for hundreds of years. The "Suur" (large) and the "Kivi" (Boulder) name heralds directly from a large boulder still in place on this family property in Järvamaa, Estonia. 


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